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Barack Obama, Amtseinführung, Dr. Martin Luther King jr., Lincoln Memorial 28.08. 1963/field negro: Dr. King, why are you high fiving that "racist"? /Thank you! |
Wenn US-Präsident Barack Obama heute einen Blick aus dem Fenster des Oval Office werfen würde - (kann er nicht, denn noch ist er im Urlaub auf Martha's Vineyard) - dann hätte er die neuste und für ihn vielleicht gefährlichste Front seines Landes direkt im Blick. Nur wenige Hundert Meter vom Weißen Haus entfernt - vor dem Lincoln Memorial - sind heute die Kämpfer für ein konservatives, oft auch ein reaktionäres, Amerika aufgezogen. Und dass sie das am 28.August tun, ist alles andere als ein Zufall: An diesem Tag vor 47 Jahren versammelten sich einst Hundertausende Schwarzer US-Amerikaner spontan um Pastor Dr. Martin Luther King jr., um Respekt und ihre Bürger- und Menschenrechte einzufordern.
I have a dream « dokumentationsarchiv
Diesmal ist der Mann oben am Mikrophon ein Weißer, ein Profi-Fernsehmann, der anstelle von Respekt und Nächstenliebe seinen Zuhörern hier in Washington und im ganzen Land Hass, Lügen und Beleidigungen gegen den Schwarzen Präsidenten und "sein Amerika" - das eines Planets der Affen -zu Gehör bringt:
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Glenn Beck/ EbonyJet Online Magazine | Black Politics & National Politics |
Glenn Beck: Obama's America is like 'Planet of the Apes'
By Boyce Watkins, PhD / Black Voices / Black spiS
"It appears that Glenn Beck enjoys the idea of comparing black people to monkeys. Beck's latest rant featured him comparing President Barack Obama's America to "the damn 'Planet of the Apes.'" Beck made these comments in response to the president's statements against the AFL-CIO.
Related Article: Glenn Beck's Top-10 Questionably Racist Moments
Beck seems to feel that the support of strong union pensions in the presence of a high-unemployment rate doesn't make any sense. His alleged confusion about Obama's actions forms the basis of his comparison to 'Planet of the Apes,' where a man is pushed into another segment of time and space to find that apes run the world and humans are their pets...
... was once tempted to take Beck seriously, but now I just see him as a cute little monkey who seems to live off of attention. Making one outrageous statement after another is his way of keeping his ratings high, so that Fox will pay him more money. Perhaps his scheme is working, since I am writing about him right now.
While Beck's outrageous words (it was no accident that he compared Obama to an ape, which is highly offensive to black people) may gain him attention right now, he must also realize that he loses credibility with each ridiculous statement. I find myself less and less shocked by anything he says, and I hardly consider him to be a serious political figure.
Additionally, his ironic comparison of Obama's America to 'Planet of the Apes' is interesting in that it seems to imply that he feels our nation has (as in the movie) shifted roles, where the apes are running the world and the humans are being subjected to their abuses...."
Glenn Beck: “Obama’s America Is Planet Of Apes” [VIDEO]
Glenn Beck Infers that President Obama is an Ape
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Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin/ Foto: The Root/Eugene Robinson: Even Beck Can't Mar King's Legacy |
Glenn Beck: Obama’s Name Does Not ‘Identify’ With America
Glenn Beck Ruthlessly Mocks 11-Year-Old Malia Obama
Black Leaders Are Furious Over Glenn Beck’s MLK Rally
Post by Pharoh Martin in Nation/News One for Black America
Sharpton: Beck Rally Goes Against Dr. King’s Vision
"Black Civil Rights leaders are furious that they will not be able to organize a march to commemorate the 47th anniversary of the historic March on Washington and Dr. Martin Luther King’s famed “I Have A Dream” speech at the location where it happened this year because infamous right wing Fox News personality and radio host Glenn Beck already booked the Lincoln Memorial on Aug. 28th to hold his own rally.
“We’re going to get together because we are not going to let Glenn Beck own the symbolism of Aug. 28th, 2010,” National Urban League President and CEO Marc Morial said during a National Newspaper Publishers Association breakfast at NNPA’s 70th Anniversary Celebration at the Sheraton Hotel and Towers on Friday. “Someone said to me, ‘Maybe we shouldn’t challenge him. Maybe we should just let him have it. “I was like,’ Brother, where have you been? Where is your courage? Where is your sense of outrage?” We need to collaborate and bring together all people of good will, not just Black people, on Aug. 28 to send a message that Glenn Beck’s vision of America is not our vision of America."
The Rev. Al Sharpton on Reclaiming the Dream
|/ The Root
"When National Action Network members gather at Washington, D.C.'s Dunbar High School this Saturday, the 47th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s beatified "I Have a Dream" address, they'd like everyone to be certain of one thing: They're not reacting to Glenn Beck. "It's something we do every year," says Rachel Noerdlinger, a spokesperson for NAN. "It's definitely not a countermarch."
Over the past several weeks, members of NAN have been endlessly frustrated by reports that the group -- along with NAACP President Ben Jealous, Education Secretary Arne Duncan and an estimated "several thousand" supporters from all around the country -- planned its Reclaim the Dream march as a response to Beck's Restoring Honor event, which will take place the same day just blocks away, at the Lincoln Memorial. On Aug. 11 The Washington Post called the NAN march a "countermarch," an assessment that Noerdlinger says is inaccurate. "We announced our D.C. event in April at our national convention," she says, "well before Glenn Beck announced his intentions."...
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The Rev. Al Sharpton before MLK's image. (Jemal Countess/Getty)/The Rev. Al Sharpton on Reclaiming the Dream |
Glenn Beck Takes His Dream to Washington - TIME
By Alex Altman / Washington
"...But the line between patriotism and politics seems destined to blur, not least because it's hard to envision Sarah Palin passing up the chance to skewer her opponents before a crowd of this size. Most Tea Party summits are speckled with anti-Obama signs and "Don't Tread on Me" flags, but activists were asked to keep their political paraphernalia stowed away on Saturday. Some Tea Party leaders have grumbled that Beck is harnessing the gathering as a self-promotion vehicle. "I call it Beckapalooza because it seems to be all about Beck," Andrew Dodge, a Tea Party coordinator from Maine, told Politico..."
Glenn Beck Discovers Black History
Glenn Beck’s Civil Rights Rally Ripped By Jon Stewart
What's in Store at Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally?
"Tea Party": Obama-Gegner rufen zum Marsch auf Washington - Nachrichten Politik - Ausland - WELT ONLINE
Von Peter Wütherich
"...Für viele ist der Aufmarsch der „Tea Party“-Leute unter ihrem Wortführer Beck eine politische Provokation. Kritiker unterstellen der „Tea Party“, die sich als Sammelbecken wütender konservativer Regierungskritiker versteht, rassistische Untertöne. Deren Vertreter streiten dies ab. Klar ist aber, dass die den Republikanern nahestehende Bewegung vor allem von weißen US-Bürgern getragen wird und aggressiv Ressentiments gegen Präsident Barack Obama nährt. In den Augen von Kritikern kommt die Versammlung am Lincoln Memorial, das so große Bedeutung für die Bürgerrechtsbewegung hat, einer Entweihung gleich.Tea Party: Obama-Gegner marschieren nach Washington - Politik - Tagesspiegel
Organisator Beck wurde überhaupt erst durch das gefährliche Spiel mit Ressentiments zur Galionsfigur jener US-Bürger, die sich angesichts der anhaltend schlechten Wirtschaft und des Budgetfiaskos in dumpfer Wut gegen das Politikestablishment in Washington im allgemeinen und gegen Präsident Obama im besonderen ergehen. Bekannt wurde Beck durch populistische – manche würden auch sagen hetzerische – Talkshows in Funk und Fernsehen.
In Obama und dessen Regierung sieht Beck nicht weniger als eine Verschwörung gegen die USA. Kürzlich etwa unterstellte er Obama einen „tief sitzenden Hass auf Weiße“. Damit rief Beck in Erinnerung, dass Obama eben kein Weißer ist. In solchen Äußerungen sehen Kritiker ein subtiles Spiel mit Vorurteilen. Worin Beck selbst seine Mission sieht, lässt das Motto der Kundgebung am Samstag erahnen: Es lautet „Wiederherstellung der Ehre“..."
Aufbau am Lincoln Memorial /What's in Store at Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally? |
Kampf um das Lincoln Memorial
Christoph von Marschall /tagesspiegel.de
"...Zwei Monate vor der Kongresswahl konkurrieren Amerikas Rechte und Linke an einem hochsymbolischen Ort um den Anspruch auf die Nationalgeschichte. Ausgerechnet am Lincoln Memorial, wo am 28. August 1963 der schwarze Bürgerrechtler Martin Luther King seine berühmte Rede „I have a dream“ über ein Amerika ohne Rassenschranken hielt, und das Schauplatz mächtiger Anti-Kriegs-Proteste war, war 2010 die Rechte schneller...
...Die schwarze Bürgerrechtsbewegung von heute muss ihm den Platz überlassen. Al Sharpton, einer ihrer Anführer, leitet eine Gegendemonstration von der Dunbar High School, dem ersten Gymnasium für Schwarze in der Hauptstadt, zu dem Ort unweit des Lincoln Memorials, wo eine Gedenkstätte für Martin Luther King geplant ist. Beck rechnet mit bis zu 100 000 Teilnehmern bei seiner Kundgebung. Seit Tagen wirbt er in seinen TV- und Radiosendungen dafür. Hauptrednerin ist Sarah Palin. Sharpton erwartet wenige tausend Teilnehmer bei der Gegenveranstaltung. Beck behauptet, er habe nicht im Blick gehabt, dass dies der Tag der berühmten Rede sei. Im Rückblick betrachte er das als „göttliche Fügung“. Abraham Lincoln „gehört nicht allein den Weißen. Martin Luther King gehört nicht allein den Schwarzen“, sagt er. Die US- Medien nehmen ihm diese unschuldige Behauptung nicht ab, berichten aber zum Großteil mit wohlwollendem Augenzwinkern wie über ein freches Husarenstück.
Becks Motto „Restoring Honor“ klingt unangreifbar und spielt zugleich mit den Emotionen der rechten „Tea Party“-Anhänger. Viele meinen, es sei eine Schande, dass die USA einen schwarzen Präsidenten haben. Die Republikanische Partei sagt, sie habe mit der Veranstaltung nichts zu tun. Sie fürchtet, das offensive Auftreten von Beck könne Wähler der Mitte abschrecken."
Why This Conservative Won't Be at Glenn Beck's Rally
The Foundation Behind Glenn Beck’s Million-Dollar Rally - Swampland - TIME.com
The Tea Party, Civil Rights, Glenn Beck’s Rally On MLK Anniversary
Glenn Beck Rally: Why Should We Care
Eugene Robinson: Even Beck Can't Mar King's Legacy
Sense vs. Sensitivity at Ground Zero and the Lincoln Memorial
EbonyJet Online Magazine | Black Politics & National Page
EbonyJet Online Magazine | Black Politics & National Page
field negro: Please make your checks payable to Rev. Harry....
field negro: A sight for white eyes.
field negro: Dr. King, why are you high fiving that "racist"?
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Dr. Martin Luther King jr. / An Open Letter To Dr. Martin Luther King | News One |
An Open Letter To Dr. Martin Luther King | News One
by NewsOne Staff in Nation /News One for Black America
"Dear Dr. King,
There will be a march this Saturday to commemorate the 47th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Actually, there will be two marches, with leaders of each claiming to be walking in your footsteps.
The march being led by Al Sharpton is the only one with any legitimacy. Sharpton was mentored by Jesse Jackson similar to the way you mentored Jesse. Sharpton is being joined by Marc Morial, the president and CEO of the National Urban League; Benjamin Jealous, the head of the NAACP, and your oldest son, Martin Luther King III. You would be proud of all of them. You’d be especially proud because they are refusing to let Glenn Beck, an ultra-conservative talk show host, hijack your memory...
I am sure you know by now that in 2008 we elected Barack Obama, the son of a Black man from Kenya and a White woman from Kansas, president of the United States. Beck accused our nation’s first Black president of having “a deep-seated hatred for White people or the White culture.” Beck said that about an African-American who was reared by his White grandparents. In Obama’s best-selling books, he speaks fondly of his grandparents and has never exhibited any hate, deep-seated or otherwise, toward Whites or any other racial or ethnic group.
Not content with merely attacking President Obama, Beck even attacked his wife and children. After Obama’s then 11-year-old daughter, Malia, asked when the BP old spill in the Gulf of Mexico would be plugged, Beck mocked her on his national radio program and questioned her intelligence. He did that just two days after declaring a politician’s family should be off limits.
Not only did Beck not apply that to Obama’s daughter, he didn’t apply it to his wife, Michelle. He said. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen the first lady with her – excuse the expression – but with her breasts all smooshed up…”
When Beck was reminded that August 28 is a sacred day for those interested in jobs, peace and justice, he claimed that it was “divine providence” that his rally was scheduled to coincide with the 47th anniversary of your “I Have a Dream” speech. He contends, “…Too many have gotten just lazy or they have purposely distorted Martin Luther King’s ideas of judge a man by the content of his character.”
Of course, he and Rush Limbaugh, another conservative talk show host, are the main culprits. Beck is one of many conservatives who have tried to invoke your memory while fighting against everything you represented..."
What Glenn Beck Forgot About Martin Luther King Jr.
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28. August 1963 Dr. Martin Luther King jr. spricht vor dem Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC/Public Domain/Wikimedia Commons |
Fotos: Thank you ! Dankeschön!
1. Barack Obama,Amtseinführung, Dr. Martin Luther King jr.,Lincoln Memorial 28.08./ field negro: Dr. King, why are you high fiving that "racist"?
2. Glenn Beck / EbonyJet Online Magazine | Black Politics & National Politics
3. Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin/ Foto: The Root/Eugene Robinson: Even Beck Can't Mar King's Legacy
4. The Rev. Al Sharpton before MLK's image. (Jemal Countess/Getty)/The Rev. Al Sharpton on Reclaiming the Dream
5. Aufbau am Lincoln Memorial /What's in Store at Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally?
6. Dr. Martin Luther King jr. / An Open Letter To Dr. Martin Luther King | News One
7. 28. August 1963 Dr. Martin Luther King jr. spricht vor dem Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC/Public Domain/Wikimedia Commons
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