
about (Black) Politics

Dr. Martin Luther King jr. und der Planet der Affe...

What's up, Governor?! Sundown on Harlem?
David Paterson
New York State Governor David Paterson opening the 2008 Tribeca Film Festival./David Shankbone/GNU-free Documentation License/Wikimedia Commons

Washington DC: Suppenküchen hinter dem Capitol

SUMMERTIME: Shirley Chisholm - For President!

Tribute to LENA HORNE: "Be real Black for me..."

LENA HORNE, lifelong activist, great singer and Hollywood-actress passed away on May 10th 2010

 Please honour Dr. Dorothy Height (and take Part in...

Dr. Dorothy Height,  Freedom-Activist, 1912 - 2010
Foto: Dr. Dorothy Height 1966/Public Domain/Library of Cogress/New York World Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection

What's up?!: Denzel Washington spendet eine Millio...

US-Superstars: Denzel Washington, actor

Foto: US-Schauspieler Denzel Washington 
 (während der Berlinale 2000)/Falkenauge/
GNU-free Documentation License 1.2/Free 
Software Foundation/Wikimedia Commons

Look here: A true hero! - Black Veteran saves NYC

What's up?!: Angela Davis in Berlin 

FATHERHOOD - mittlerweile ein Wort mit Bedeutung ...